The Beautiful And Damned R.m Drake Download Free
Beautiful and Damned
With the same heartwarming composition and genius Robert M. Drake brought to his international bestselling books Beautiful Chaos, Black Butterfly and A Brilliant Madness, Robert M. Drake now takes his readers to a deeper level of his consciousness with this collection of stories. A man encounters God in a bar; a family is saved by a time traveler in the middle of the night; a journey into the mind of a severely autistic man; a woman finds herself one night out in the city and more.
Beautiful and Damned is as haunting and as captivating as the stories it tells, it is proof that Robert M. Drake is one of the most visionary writers working today.
- Short Stories Poetry Fiction
Ratings & Reviews
Community Reviews

286 reviews 11 followers
And this is why we don't judge books by their cool, neon covers, kids.
There was approximately one and a half of the short stories (the damned portion) that I found interesting/enjoyable - the poetry portion (beautiful), tiny already, was a disappointing assembly line of poorly arranged pieces that were mostly Drake jerking himself off as he moans and groans about how many people have come up to him and said he has saved their lives with his work, his fame, the magic of his words, etc. My eyes, how they rolled.
It also got kinda sexist towards the end, which was gross. Oh, and another thing that added to my unfavorable reading experience: the entire book was riddled with typos and grammatical errors. It was bad.
I'll give him credit, there were some lines that were really pretty. I think he gets lucky with those, because the work around those lines is padded to a sloppy infinity with reaches and efforts to make his words have real weight, but generally, the majority of the stories and poems in this book felt like getting cheated out of a climax.
- 2016

129 reviews 100 followers
when I picked it up, I had no expectations in my mind, but I have to say that, i feel like my soul found something within the pages of "beautiful and damned".
the first part of the book : short stories with different subjects : love, supernatural events, hope.. what i want to say is that it made me feel different kind of "emotions" and that was good (except for the first story , i couldn't feel it, it was more like : r u effing me? and i was going to give up on the entire book, gladly something was asking me to carry on reading). another thing i liked is the fact that the characters weren't "physically" described, (sometimes he did mention the color of the eyes or the hair) instead, he tried to make us have a connection with their souls.
the second part of the book : some poems (not my fav part of the book tbh)
and that cover *-* is really amazing *-*
- poetry short-stories

768 reviews
Out of eleven stories only one was one I could say I love. The rest were slow, predictable, pointless, and really had no depth to them. The poetry in the second half was a bit more enjoyable to read.
- fiction

23 reviews 1 follower

214 reviews 29 followers
To be quite straight forward, I didn't like his prose. I love Drake's poetry, I love it SO much. He's probably one of my favorite modern poets (or, "instapoets") around right now. So of course when I found out that he was going to be releasing some short stories in a bound edition, I was stoked. Then I was disappointed.
His stories are too shallow, there's no depth, and the characters are cold and one dimensional. I know it's hard to achieve depth when writing short stories, but it has been done before and it's something that Drake needs to work on. The dialogue was too awkward to read, and the pieces of the stories that were "good" could have just been done in poetry form.
One thing I noticed, even in his poetry, I HATE the way he writes women. They're just so unreal. All the women in these stories and poems are glamorous and whimsical, they're kept together and clean. They, much like his stories, lack depth. It's borderline insulting, just because you can feel the difference between how he writes men and how he writes women. I don't think Drake knows how to write women, or how women think, or act. It's almost as if Drake views women through some sort of gauzy red haze. Essentially meaning, he has a very romantic sense of women, and I probably shouldn't fault him on that but as a woman I found myself scoffing at his portrayal of us.
The poetry section in this book was much too short, but I devoured it. There's poems for everyone, one for you no matter what you're struggling with. I often found myself reading poems out loud from this book, because they sound so nice when read out. My cats got tired of it real fast.
I probably won't read any more of his prose, if there's more or more coming, but I will certainly keep reading his poetry!
This book satisfies the 'A Book You Meant to Read in 2016' requirement for 52 in 52.
Find me:- novellas

10 reviews
i have read Drakes work before and in all honesty this wasn't one of my favorites the stories were very slow and hard to relate to except for a couple. i enjoy drakes poetry well i love it more say, but this book isn't one id recommend compared to his heart string poetry in his other books

32 reviews 10 followers
I really wanted to love this book because I absolutely love Robert Drake's poetry.
But, the short stories just didn't do it for me,
most seemed to rush through the plot, that they ended up not having much of it.
I did enjoy the poetry, but still not as much as I did his other works.
- 2016

38 reviews 8 followers
Not as good and enchanting as the online quotes make it seem.
- 2017

2 reviews 1 follower
I loved this book honestly. At first I was lost and confused, but as I read more I slowly understood the purpose. What is the purpose you may ask? You'll just have to read to find out.
Would recommend

510 reviews 23 followers
Coolest cover. Coolest title. Horrible interior. I could find maybe one or two phrases that I thought were beautiful and the rest of this book was utterly intolerable. The stories were pointless, predictable and the prose almost made me gag. Which I know sounds so harsh to put in a review but after rolling my eyes into the next dimension with the cliche love stories... I'm tempted to ask "who approved these for print?".
I feel like R.M.Drake holds himself too highly in his mind, I could almost feel his "oh the girls will love this phrase" coming through the pages.
He even has a short story on how many women love his poetry and how many women he has following him online.
"Love yourself and be kind".
What is this, a kids Disney movie?
Sorry, but I'll take watching Cinderella with my niece over reading this anyday.
- not-even-at-gunpoint poets
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